Christmas Standards
Tons of versions of classic holiday pop standards
Holiday Music: Wide Playlist
The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!
Classic Rock Album Cuts
Great songs you may not have heard for a while (or have yet to discover)
This Is Music: 1986
Career classics from Peter Gabriel, Lionel Richie and Bon Jovi plus the "Top Gun" soundtrack... w...
Lost '80s
We're digging deeper than Michael and Madonna for '80s gems!
This Is Music: 1985
Live Aid and New Coke! Here's the music of 1985.
Rock Alphabet: "C" is for cool kids
Our cool collection of Clapton, the Cure, Cream, Creed, Crosby Stills & Nash, and more
Friends Forever
Songs about companions and friendships from The Rembrandts, Elton John, Andrew Gold, and more!
House Blend: Lost '80s + '80s Workout
You'll sweat. You'll cool down. Either way, you'll still need an '80s hair diffuser.
It Came from New Jersey
Rock from artists from or based in New Jersey. Springsteen & Bon Jovi are just the start!
Rock with Horns
Sax and trumpet add extra punch to these rock tracks
Christmas Standards: Modern Recordings
Recordings of well-known holiday favorites, from the '90s to today
'80s One-Hit Wonders
Mere minutes of fame from Toni Basil, Dexys Midnight Runners, Modern English, and so many more.
The Most '80s
'80s variety to carry you through your day
Drummer Boy-free Christmas Standards
"Shall I play for you..." "NOOOO!"